Service – Package 111

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Service - Package 111

Service - Package 111

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Service - Package 111

Model Number: Service-Package-111
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Manufacturer: Soul Connection
  • Description

Monthly Packages
Monthly packages are a great opportunity for you to get a range of healing services to suit your needs with amazing savings.

1 distant energy healing
I am qualified in advanced healing and Archangel Metatron healing. In a healing session prior to your appointment with me we will connect and discuss what healing has resonance with you, and what modality will take place.

I facilitate and give permission for high frequency energy from source, Archangels, Prophets, Deities and other Light Beings to flow through me, to help regulate and re-balance your chakras (energy systems in the body).

Low vibrational/stuck energy, anything that no longer serves you, limiting beliefs and old/outdated programming which is running in your energy field is also transmuted into love and light during an energy healing session.

1 name cleansing
Throughout our life our name is said many times by different people. Not everyone however, will have said our names with love and the best intentions. A name cleansing will transmute any stuck/low vibrational energy that has attached itself to your name, and will have your name feeling vibrationally high.

No subscription.


Distance Healing is a natural method of energy balancing for the purpose of stress reduction and relaxation, and for general balancing of energies in surroundings and situations. While it can be used entirely on its own, it is not meant as a substitute for medical or psychological, diagnosis and treatment.

Distance healers do not diagnose conditions, nor do they perform medical treatment, prescribe substances, or interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional, unless they have received training in such a licensed professional practice that supports this. It is a Complimentary therapy, and can be used together with any other form of medical, natural or alternative therapy.

While we endeavour to offer Distance healing for compassion reasons, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability of this therapy. Any reliance you place upon such healing is therefore strictly at your own risk. In no event will we be liable for any loss or damage indirect or consequential.

It is recommended that you see a licensed physician or licensed health care professional promptly for any physical or psychological ailment you may have.

Service - Package 111